What To Do When Your Front Door Lock Is Frozen

Any moisture in the air will undoubtedly freeze as the weather gets colder and the temperature drops. This moisture can sometimes collect in inconvenient places. The lock on your front door may freeze shut in the right circumstances.

Fortunately, there are solutions to this problem. You can quickly remove the ice and take steps to reduce the likelihood of it occurring again.

Unfreezing the Lock

To learn how to unlock a frozen door lock and open your house door, you must first unfreeze the lock. You might need to go to the store if you live on the outside of your house, but if you have access to the inside, you might be able to use something there.

De-icer: There are fluids made to remove ice from locks. If freezing is a problem with your locks frequently, you should always have one nearby outside your house. These also solve car lockouts because they work on door locks. If you need to know how to unlock a locked door, this is a very easy method.

Be careful not to use too much of this because using too much could cause the lock to jam over time. Having said that, de-icers are designed with locks in mind, so it’s generally safe for them.

Commodities for the Home: Various items for the home can help unfreeze locked doors. The most common isWD-40, but you can also use hand sanitizer or hair spray that contains alcohol. Vinegar, lip balm, and antifreeze, as well as petroleum jelly that has been applied to your key and stuck in the lock, may be of assistance.

When attempting this kind of ice removal, keep in mind that there are a number of potential dangers. The paint or finish on your front door can be damaged by some products. And basically, if used in large quantities, any of these can block your lock. While they prevent moisture from settling inside the door, they can also attract other debris.

Some say that you should only use these solutions occasionally, while others say that you should never use them in your Locksmith Sutton Coldfield lock or you will need to replace it. It goes without saying that household items are not the most effective means of unlocking a frozen door lock; therefore, exercise caution

Heat: You can warm your key and stick it in the door to unfreeze a frozen lock in an emergency. A lighter, a burner, boiling water, or even your car are all good options. Before heating your key, wear gloves to avoid burning yourself.

Try not to heat it so much that the key or keyhole becomes warped. Additionally, you are introducing additional water into the keyhole that will soon freeze again if you use hot water as a source of heat. When dealing with a fire, you should, of course, follow all of the usual safety precautions.

Body Heat: There are two ways to use your body heat to unlock a frozen door lock: through your hands and through your breath.

If you place your thumb or hand on the lock for an extended period of time, this may transfer sufficient heat to melt the ice. Hold your hands over the lock and breathe into it or use a straw to direct hot air inside if that doesn’t work. The ice may be melting more quickly if these two strategies are combined

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